Thursday, 3 February 2011
(Originally scheduled for 18 November 2010.)
Communities around the globe face a variety of significant challenges to making real gains in community health. From the threat of chronic disease to increased costs and limited resources, public health leaders must think and practice differently in order to achieve meaningful improvements.
Moreover, health care reforms (such as in the US and those proposed in the UK) present new or changed requirements for how we think about—and how we engage with—individuals, organizations and communities at large on public health issues.
This one-day online conference seeks to highlight and share promising practices and "lessons learned" about how we can best collaborate to implement strategies for healthier communities. It is an ideal opportunity to bring together a group of community partners to share in a powerful, inspiring and practical learning opportunity that doesn't require the expensive registrations fees and travel costs of typical conferences. By having a group of partners share in this learning opportunity, you will be set up to quickly put these valuable ideas into practice.
Key subjects this conference will explore include:
• Why improved collaboration is essential for implementing community health strategiesWe're also inviting registrants to share their own mini-cases on a promising practices and innovations that support improved community health, as part of a Pecha Kucha session. Pecha Kucha is a Japanese term that is loosely translated to mean "chit chat"; each presenter has a short period of time (6 minutes 40 seconds) to provide their report before we move on to the next person. This provides an opportunity to hear from your peers and increases the interactivity of the session. Following the participant presentations, there will be discussion of how the ideas might improve our own respective work. (If you would like to share what your community is doing during the Pecha Kucha, you'll be able to sign up as part of the conference registration process.)
Click here (PDF, 120 KB) for the full conference schedule.
Registration for this event is closed.
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