Wednesday-Friday, 20-22 January 2010, 13:00 Eastern/18:00 GMT (3x90 minutes; $275/Circle Club $250)
Enrollment limited to 15 persons.
This class begins with a review of basic and intermediate stakeholder engagement techniques. Participants will then analyze the effectiveness of existing techniques used in their own work. Finally, participants will prepare and present a strategy for improving the effective of their practice based on guidelines and techniques discussed in the class.
You'll take away:
Of course, you'll also receive class materials, articles, and other resourses you can apply right away.
Instructor: John Stephens
This is an online class with telephone audio. You must have a high-speed internet connection and long-distance phone service.
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*Not yet a member? Join now before registering for this class to receive the discounted rate. Your membership will be verified upon registration. If you are not a Circle Club member, you will be charged at the higher non-member rate.
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