SMART Conversations® in Public Engagement

Do you need to be right?

As public engagement professionals, most of us have learned to set aside our opinions, judgments, and assumptions when we facilitate groups.

Yet, on occasion, even we can be faced with behavior that sends us down a negative path. When we begin to feel triggered (i.e., our buttons have been pushed),  it’s particularly important to make a mental note to breathe and to let go of whatever we’re holding on to.

For example, most of us facilitate using formal agreements; others adhere to an implied code of behavior. When rules of engagement are violated, however, it takes a skilled facilitator to manage the impact and get the conversation back on track.

When we cling to the idea of being “right,” (e.g., “her attitude is wrong for a dialogue”) then we close the space needed for a robust dialogue to take place. However, when we can maintain awareness of how we’re feeling and even name what’s triggering us, we can be more authentic with our audience. By re-setting our own internal dials, we  can let go in order to move forward in way that models and fosters open, honest, and respectful communication.